
SR-22 Insurance

Colorado Springs

How Do I Get Colorado SR-22 Non-Owner Insurance?

How Do I Get SR-22 Non-Owner Insurance in Colorado?

If you’ve gotten pulled over for a traffic violation, you may be asked to carry SR-22 insurance. In reality, this type of insurance is not an actual insurance policy. It is a form that your insurer files with the state to verify that you carry enough insurance to drive legally. Generally, a history of moving violations or a serious offense requires you to file an SR-22 form. To find the best rates on non-owner SR-22 insurance, it’s best to compare quotes from several companies. Premiums for non-owner SR-22 insurance vary widely depending on the provider, age, and driving history.

Keeping a valid SR-22 insurance policy is essential in avoiding a driving suspension. The state requires a driver to keep an SR-22 certificate for at least three years. When the policy lapses, the auto insurance provider notifies. If you don’t keep your SR-22 insurance, the DMV will suspend your driver’s license. You’ll need to go through the process again to get your license back.

The duration of an SR22 requirement will vary depending on the severity of the offense. In Colorado, an SR22 may be required for six months or three years. In some cases, the SR22 requirement may last even longer. Non-owner insurance in Colorado provides liability coverage only and will not reinstate your license if you have a history of driving offenses. There is a limit on the amount of coverage that an SR22 policy must provide.

When looking for non-owner car insurance in Colorado, your best bet is to contact a licensed agent. Most Colorado SR-22 insurance companies will electronically submit the form to the state’s Division of Motor Vehicles. This is one of the easiest ways to fulfill the requirements for Colorado drivers.

While a non-owner SR-22 insurance policy is a good option, you should not settle for the cheapest policy. As a new driver, you should consider purchasing a full coverage policy to protect yourself and your assets. It is important to note that the cost of the procedure may increase, so be sure to compare several quotes before settling for a single one.

If you already have an SR-22 certificate, you can find affordable non-owner insurance online. Typically, SR-22 insurance in Colorado Springs does not cost a lot. If your policy lapses, you may need to pay a new fee. Some providers will charge additional fees depending on the type of violation and other factors.

Getting Colorado SR-22 non-owner insurance is a great way to reinstate your license and avoid a lengthy gap in auto insurance coverage. If you are not planning on purchasing a vehicle soon, you can still have liability insurance coverage. Ensure your policy meets state minimum liability limits, varying wildly depending on your driving record. Once you own a car, you must change your range again.